Life-Centered-Innovation Leads Businesses To A Sustainable Future

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What should you never take for granted? Family, Love, your health? 

For thousands of years, we made the mistake to take the relatively stable environment in which we thrive for granted. 

But the environment and our ability to thrive in it is transforming, the world is shifting under our feet, there’s no denying that.

Businesses, organizations, individuals, governments we all have to face that what got us here, is not going to get us out of this mess. It is clear that the same mindset that created the problem is not going to bring us the solution.

If you look at the economic landscape today, at the houses, the medicine, the tech gadgets, sharing services and the list goes on. It is completely different from what you would have observed just a few decades, or even a couple years ago.

Technological advancement combined with social progress has completely transformed how we view our organizations, customers, and stakeholders.  

The ways we used to do things are taking their toll on the planet, our mental health and our relationships with each other, nature and overall happiness. Many of us are stuck in the rat race which is making neither us nor the planet happy or healthy. 

So what do we do about it?  

How do we champion sustainable progress that can adapt to fast-changing circumstances?

Traditionally, the answer bandied out by consultants would be to invest in new systems, technologies, and product development to give you the edge that you need.  This would come with substantial cost and wholesale changes to your company that in most cases didn’t actually work out in the way that things were planned – because we aren’t fortune tellers.  This old way doesn’t work anymore.  

We have to think broader than just the next technological buzzword or another new product that will “safe the planet”.

Foto door Daria Shevtsova via Pexels

Sustainable innovation, in the modern age, must be more holistic than that.  It needs to go beyond just throwing more fuel onto the fire. It needs to be Life-Centered-Innovation.

The companies that are going to survive and thrive long into the future are the ones who are going to take life-centered innovation seriously – innovation that looks beyond profit. Innovation that services humans and all other life forms, not only the ones alive right now, but also for whom the future still has to come. 

That’s why we exist here at The Green Sprint.

It’s our firm belief that a business should work in harmony with its environment because it is reliant on it at the end of the day.  You can only extract value from an ecosystem for so long before you see some drastic consequences.  Sustainability means that you consider the interests of all your stakeholders; your employees, customers, and the natural environment at large – and build your company with that in mind.  We have to change the way we think about things.  

When you make it past this paradigm shift, all of a sudden you can see your business through a new lens and a world of opportunity opens up to you.  

Long-term value creation is the name of the game here and you have to think differently than just sticking to the over simplified traditional quarter-by-quarter, win-at-all-costs mindset.  We’ve seen it happen time and time again, the realisation kicks in and out of the sudden it all makes so much sense. Once you arrive at this point you can start pushing for some real change, transform your business strategy and truly accelerate sustainable innovation and development. Helping you throughout this process is both the most challenging and the most rewarding thing we have ever done. 

At The Green Sprint, we are passionate about helping to facilitate this mindset shift and providing tactical, in-depth innovation sprints to work through the problems your business is facing.  

We’re not going to solve your challenges for you, but we’ll be there to guide you through the process to unlock the untapped potential that lies in wake.

This work isn’t easy, of course.  It requires us to unlearn a lot of what we’ve been taught about innovation and growth, but that’s what this new transition calls for.  The planet is calling for change and we have to stand up and take action.

If your organization wants to be one of those that lead this change towards a more sustainable future, be sure to get in touch with us today.  We’d love to hear your story and see how we could help!

Happy Sprint

Minou & Pamela


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